Talk - Migrating your IT policies to the Cloud

Today, I presented at Cloud Asia Singapore 2018 on the topic “Migrating your IT policies to the Cloud”.

Moving to the Cloud is more than just getting an account at a public cloud. Even a lift and shift approach needs quite some thought to the design.

Quickstarts and readymade scripts help us get started. There are external consultants available to provide all manner of technical advice too. However, there still are various decisions that the IT Manager and the Organisation have to still take on their own.

These fall in the areas of: * Migrating from Capex to Opex

  • Giving control to teams to manage their own infrastructure

  • Establishing a Governance model that caters tofinancial and security safeguards while leveraging the flexibility that prompted the move to the Cloud in the first place

  • Amending the IT policies to recognise that the traditional application architectures won’t work any more. For e.g., Cloud-native apps and Cloud based technologies would push the so-called “Web Tier” across 3 to 4 different Cloud components. As another example, the firewall rules are now implicit in the network policy settings, effectively providing the same source-destination IP and port level control that in-house infrastructure facilitated.

  • Rather than rushing to massively downsize the IT team, use them for the many things that you still need your team for as per the shared responsibility model of all public cloud providers.

This talk covered all these and more. The slides that I’ve shared above are descriptive to quite some extent.

This is also the gist of my upcoming book of the same name.
